Tim Boland
CONDITION: Performance
"Rose-Hip Vital Equine keeps my team sound and moving freely. Best of all it doesn’t swab"
To win my horses need to be at the top of their powers. With Rose-Hip Vital Equine as part of their diet I am confident that I have left no stone unturned for them to operate at their athletic best. GV Billy Elliot has been on it for 3 years now and I am thrilled with the results.
After I returned from England with GV Billy Elliot, who was travelling reserve for the London Olympics, I was approached by my vet to try a new product. She had said there were spectacular results with dogs and horses. I was of course skeptical as we are often approached to try new products. My vet was insistent and I am glad she was. Rose-Hip Vital Equine is different. Very different.
I have a large team of eventers who all live on Rose-Hip Vital Equine as part of their training regime. I have several with arthritic changes and recurring lameness that appear to have settled. My best horse GV Billy Elliot has no soundness problems but I was recommended Rose-Hip Vital to help prevent inflammation and arthritic changes. He has remained very sound and he looks and feels fantastic. The added bonus I have found with Billy who is traditionally a fussy eater is that Rose-Hip Vital mixed in the feed is a fantastic appetite stimulant. Unlike a lot of other joint powders horses love Rose-Hip Vital. Further to making my horses operate at their best, I have now started taking the human version which is equally effective. I have well developed arthritis after many years with many falls and a lot of broken bones. Rose-Hip Vital has been a great assistance to me and my team and I recommend it highly to anyone wanting to win.
Rose-Hip Vital Equine keeps my team sound and moving freely. Best of all it doesn’t swab. My whole team are on it and I am very happy with the results. I urge all horse lovers to include Rose-Hip Vital Equine in their diet, especially if you want to have your horses in the best possible shape to win. Rose-Hip Vital Equine is my advantage. Everywhere my horses and I go, Rose-Hip Vital Equine comes too. It will not just be another mumbo jumbo additive. It really works.
I am proud to represent RHVE and I urge those who haven’t tried this wonderful product on their horses yet to give it a go. You will be amazed!
Photo credit: Geoff McLean