Trinta is now 12 years old. She was always a fit dog and apart from bad skin allergies, has always been healthy. Just after her 11th birthday she was diagnosed with cancer in her anal gland.
We made the decision to operate, as the prognosis was less than 6 months without removal. It was a big operation for a large/older dog and it took its toll on her physically. With the complete rest that was needed, she lost a lot of her previous muscle tone and mobility and at her age, it was hard to get her back to the condition she was in before the operation.
She had hurt her front leg and after extensive X-rays etc, we could still not completely determine the cause, most likely it is tendon/muscular. She never limped, just every so often (at least twice a week) would yelp and hold the front leg up, after a little massage she would be off again with no sign of pain. We started on Rose Hip Vital and (touch wood) after 4 months now she hasn't yelped once on her walks or held the leg up.
Today in fact she let me lift the leg up to clip her nails, previously she has always guarded the leg and hated me even touching it. 6 months ago her allergies got even worse but now since being on Rose Hip Vital she has a thick coat and is a happy dog. Every day is a bonus with our darling Trinta and we thank Rose Hip Vital for giving us a few more with her!