"Within 3 days of using it we were seeing a difference in Boofy"
I have attached a couple of photos of Boofy, I didn't take any when he was in pain and could hardly walk but I do have a couple of him after starting taking the Rose-Hip Vital powder and he was back to his normal self and could again roll over on his back on the lawn which he loves to do! Boof is our beautiful big full blood Rottweiler, he is 8 years old. Boof went from being in so much pain he could hardly even walk, he cried in pain all the time, couldn't sit or lie down without crying and found it extremely hard to get up once he had sat down.
He was whimpering with every step he took and we were making plans to take him to the vet to be put to rest and out of pain. My mother-in-law told us about this powder she had seen on TV people were giving their dogs and their hip pain had decreased considerably, enough to have your dogs running around again and enjoying life. So I looked it up and we ordered some that same night and within 3 days of using it we were seeing a difference in Boofy. He could walk and run, sit and stand without crying in pain but best of all he could roll over and scratch his back on the lawn again which he just loves to do!! Thank you to Rosehip-Hip Vital Canine powder we have our Boofy back!