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Our Customers Stories


AGE: 12

Our Veterinarian was thrilled and amazed with the change in her.

Our 14-year-old Beaglier, Sizzles, was barely able to get up from the bed and go outside. She suffered terribly, was extremely ginger when touched, and really struggled throughout the day. Essentially, she seemed to be giving up, and rarely got out of bed at all. We all thought that she didn't have much time left.

What an amazing transformation!

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AGE: 12
CONDITION: Rapid Onset Arthritis
"Any extra days you can give your dog of quality life are worth it. You can't put a price on that."



My senior dog, Deezil, is 12.5 years old. Although he's a been a healthy dog in the fall, around September he was diagnosed with Rapid Onset Arthritis and it got bad really really fast.


He could not walk on our floors very well, his hips would sway drastically. It got to the point for him to walk in the house we had to use a sling. The vet told us he would deteriorate really quickly. They put him on pain medication so I could manage his comfort level and they recommended helping him walk. 


We tried everything. We tried socks but they didn't work very well and then we got him a sling which helped a little. He could only play or walk when he was in the sling. The vet basically told us do what you can to keep him comfortable but we had to watch him for signs of extreme pain. If we noticed he had a loss of appetite or trouble with bowel movements we would have to make a very difficult decision. As a family we knew that day might be sooner rather than later as things were progressing quickly. 


I started doing some research on his condition and I found a supplement on a Facebook ad. It showed senior dogs in their ads that were walking just like him. The ad said it would help him show drastic improvement in a short period of time yadda yadda yadda. I'm not a fan of snake oil supplements and things that make promises but when it comes to my dogs I thought I'll try anything.


I decided to order it, I gave him 3 scoops in the morning 3 scoops at night. 3 weeks later, after trying the supplement, he was running and playing. This is the dog that couldn't walk down the hallway without the use of a sling and here he is. Playing and running, he has joy, his tail is wagging. He gained weight because he either loves the taste or he's in less pain so he got his appetite back. 


For something that was supposed to get progressively worse rapidly, not only did it stop progressing but it got better! I would say he improved by 50%. He's not like a 2 year old dog again but any extra days you can give your dog of quality life are worth it. You can't put a price on that. This is definitely going to be apart of his routine for the rest of his life. 


AGE: 9
CONDITION: Arthritis 
LOCATION: Los Angeles, CA

"Hudson is running like a crazy man these days! He does zoomies around the yard"



I have been using your product now as you can see for a few months on two older dogs that both were suffering from the beginnings of arthritis.

I have definitely noticed in my nine-year-old male Hudson that he is running and walking much better now.

My female (Sadie) who is 10 likes the taste.

I don’t think Hudson loves the taste but he still eats it.

Hudson is running like a crazy man these days! He does zoomies around the yard.


AGE: 9
CONDITION: Severe Arthritis


"Her way of life has changed and we could not be more thankful."



We rescued Kira from the pound when she was 6 weeks old. Kira grew to love playing fetch and would not stop even when she was so exhausted that she could not run anymore.

Kira started to show symptoms of arthritis when she was 6 years old. Within 3 years, Kira progressed to severe arthritis in both her front legs. She was on 3 different types of pain and anti-inflammatory medication prescribed by the vet and we also gave her 2 natural remedies (fish oil and turmeric). The medication alone, was costing around $5 per day and with everything Kira was taking, it was just keeping the arthritis at bay. She had good days, but mainly bad days. We were close to putting her down if she wasn’t going to get better as we didn’t want her to suffer.

I was scrolling through Facebook one day and come across an ad on Rose-Hip Vital. We watched a few videos and thought – there’s no harm in trying, what do we have to lose?

We have never been so amazed.

Within 3 weeks, Kira was able to move without limping. Her way of life has changed and we could not be more thankful. She has now been on Rose-Hip Vital for 1 year and is loving playing fetch again.

Rose-Hip Vital has changed our lives and we are so grateful to be able to spend more years with Kira.


AGE: 10
CONDITION: Arthritis


"We have tried so many products and this is the ONLY one that has worked."



Roxy is a 10 year old SchipperPom. Yes she is overweight, because she can't walk more than a couple of hundred metres. She has a spur on her rib cage and turned in foot which has caused arthritis.

After 3 weeks on Rose-Hip Vital for canines, the difference is extraordinary. We have tried so many products and this is the ONLY one that has worked.
She still gets sore after her walks, but she has improved so much, we have told all our friends about the product.

Think I will try the one for humans too!



AGE: 9


'He is actually running. I am soooo happy!'



9 yrs old Maltese cross fox terrier jack Russell shitzu, he has always had issues with his legs.

I haven’t tried anything with his as yet and he has been on Rose-Hip Vital for only two weeks, maybe three.

He is actually running. I am soooo happy!



AGE: 16
CONDITION: Back Issues 

"He has regained his gorgeous personality and zest for life again"


My little boy Max is 16 years old and has been struggling for years a bad back that later came with arthritis, constantly having to have Zydax injections, daily pain killers and anti-inflammatory medication that left him extremely drowsy, anti-social and nauseous. Eventually, he was having nightly panic attacks, was hardly eating and usually whatever he did eat he would end up being sick.

I had read a lot of reviews around Rose-Hip Vital, but like anything new I was unsure (as this was my little baby!) I was extremely cautious. One night I was scrolling through Facebook and saw a video on my feed of a beautiful dog named Roxy who was walking similar to my little boy and was absolutely bounding after only weeks – and all because of Rose Hip Vital! I had to give it a try, I couldn't watch my baby go through all of this any longer.

The difference started after only a week, his appetite started to increase, the panic attacks were less severe and he even started to get a little bounce when running up the hallway each morning. One month on and he is tackling the stairs like a pup again, he is playful, no longer being sick after eating, awake so much more and wanting to spend time with us again. He has regained his gorgeous personality and zest for life again, we finally have our boy back! Being 16, he has his slower days of course, but these are nothing compared to what he used to have on his ‘good days'!


We have weaned him off all of the strong pain killers and anti-inflammatories and are now 100% on Rose Hip Vital and have the happiest and healthiest pup we have had in a long time! I couldn't recommend it more.


AGE: 16
CONDITION: Arthritis

"Flossy is back galloping around the house and jumping up on me and the bed again."


Flossy had really slowed down. She was on arthritis medication and had stopped running around and wasn't happy within herself. Since starting Rose-Hip Vital Flossy is back galloping around the house and jumping up on me and the bed again. She's playing with Tonto again and she's happy again.


AGE: 12
CONDITION: Arthritis

"When Angel started taking the Rose-Hip Vital I could already see an improvement with her walking"


Angel was on mobility chews for a few years now and her arthritis gets worse every so often. We go for a doggy walk for an hour every Saturday. Lately she's gotten worse and couldn't walk and looked very sad.

We stopped walking for 3 weeks and then I saw the Rose-Hip Vital ad on FB and Instagram. I thought I might try it and put an order in straight away.

When Angel started taking the Rose-Hip Vital I could already see an improvement with her walking and she looks happy and it's only been a week. We started walking Angel after 2 weeks as she has improved a lot. She jumps and runs and wants to play fetch which she wasn't doing before. I was really impressed with your product and will continue to use it for Angel.


AGE: 16
CONDITION: Arthritis

"He has just become a completely different dog"


Billy has had cancer, which he got cut out and recovered from thankfully, (that was about 3 years ago, and he had another surgery about 6 or so months ago) he also has had arthritis. We put him on some medication the vet gave us (can’t remember which sorry) after about 2 months on that we only saw a very small change in his mobility and a lot of the time a 10 minutes walk was too much for him and his back legs would collapse under him a lot, he was very unsteady on them and all over his health and energy was probably a 2/10.

He struggled to follow us around the house and was very slow, no one really knew how much longer he would last. My mum started him on Rose-Hip Vital about 3 months ago after being recommended by a friend and over that time he has just become a completely different dog. His energy and playfulness are at levels we haven’t seen in years, he now eats a lot more food, and can go on walks up to 30 minutes or so, sometimes longer. He doesn’t struggle to get up and we have found he doesn’t pant so heavily through the night or after his walks. He is a staffy cross golden retriever and will have his 16th birthday in October! 


AGE: 13
CONDITION: Arthritis 

"He is now 100 times better than he was when we first started going to the vet"


Peejai couldn't walk, I had to carry him most times. After taking Peejai to the vet numerous times and getting no answers then they ran some tests and told me it was a neurological disease & arthritis in his joints and he wouldn't go much longer & to think about putting him to sleep! The vet had put him on a high dose of cortisone and painkillers which were doing nothing much. I wasn't convinced at all and he is a very smart dog and I believed it had nothing to do with his brain! I seen your post show up on Facebook I think, and gave it ago straight away! And in no time peejai was up walking, running playful again.. so thankful..he is now 100 times better than he was when we first started going to the vet. THANK YOU ROSE-HIP CANINE. Your product is amazing, I tell everyone about it. 

Peejai on Rose-Hip Vital Canine


AGE: 8
CONDITION: Severe Arthritis


"She's been on it now for 7 weeks and the progress is incredible"



I'm emailing because of my golden retriever, Bailey who suffers with severe arthritis and she was about to start Rose-Hip Vital.

She's been on it now for 7 weeks and the progress is incredible. She's gone from not being able to stand up without a harness, to now getting up on her own and going for regular walks. It's also improved her mood. She seems like a different dog and is playful and happy again.


AGE: 8

CONDITION: Spinal Issues


"Rose-Hip Vital Canine has literally saved his life!"



When Enzo was 7 weeks old he was dropped, resulting in a broken growth plate in his left shoulder. He had an X-ray at the Allambie Vet who sent the x-rays on to a specialist. I was given 3 options by the specialist – 1) amputation 2) fusion of the joint 3) let it heal by itself and see how he goes. The specialist recommended the conservative approach and let it heal by itself. I did so and Enzo did ok.


When he was 1 year old, he became the youngest dog to participate in the Stem Cells trials that Allambie Vet was facilitating. The Stem Cell surgery gave him more movement in his shoulder. However, he has limped all his life and his right leg and shoulder had to develop to take the weight. His right leg became over rotated and by the age of 5 was showing signs of arthritis in both front legs. For 3 years Enzo once a year did a course of injections over 4 weeks for his arthritis.


We were out walking in November 2018 and like the flick of a switch his back-right leg gave in and he had difficulty walking. The next day his left back leg did the same. His spinal condition was a worn disc, X-rays showed there was minimal gap between his vertebrae causing the crushing of a nerve. The vet said all they could do was surgery with first an MRI to know the detail of how to operate. However, they said it was highly possible that surgery would not improve his condition. The total cost of $12,000 with a high possibility that it wouldn't be successful, was daunting. The vet prescribed daily nerve pain killers for Enzo (Neurontin) which he still takes twice a day. Having both his back legs weakening he could only get along for about ten minutes then I would have to carry him, and 20 kilos is a lot to carry! After a couple of weeks of carrying him, my own back was starting to become sore. His condition declined and so I bought an old pram to get him around.


Enzo has a huge spirit and gentle soul, so loved by everyone he meets. It was a shock for those who knew him to see him in a pram. It was heart-breaking to see his muscles wasting away and his spine became so prominent, all within 3 weeks. I took him for chiropractic treatments and acupuncture, but Enzo was scared of the treatment process so badly, it was not an option.


Enzo let me use a handheld shiatsu massage machine on him daily. This was a blessing as he desperately needed the release in his tightening muscles. But his condition was still worsening, he could not stand by himself to go to the toilet and needed my help to hold him.


He became so depressed and helpless that his sister was at a loss. Rosa too became depressed and would check on him numerous times of the day. It was incredible to believe that he went from being so active and within 6 weeks I was now fearing I would possibly have to contemplate euthanasia.


Then I saw an ad on Facebook for Rose-Hip Vital. I reviewed the testimonials and decided to give it a go. Within 3 days Enzo showed improvement and 3 weeks later Enzo was asking to be let out of the pram. He would walk and sniff around for about 5 to 8 metres then bark at me, to go back in the pram. It was so exciting to see him walk and go to the toilet by himself. It may not sound like much, but this was a game changer for Enzo.


He was improving by the week and clearly coming out of his depression. His sister, Rosa was evidently happy too from her encouraging behaviour. As the months went by his daily walks became longer and less time in the pram.


In February 2020 Enzo does not need the pram anymore, he is back to being his own man (dog).


Every day in the past 12 months when out walking my dogs I have been asked about Enzo and everyday I have told people about Rose-Hip Vital and how it has given him his mobility back.


It has literally saved his life. I feel so, lucky to have come across the product and Enzo is a true Ambassador for Rose-Hip Vital.




AGE: -
CONDITION: Spine Injury, Arthritis 

"Rose-Hip Vital has been our miracle"


Rhino couldn’t walk at all in October 2020. Compressed discs in back and severe arthritis. Vet suggested putting him down. Friend suggested Rose-Hip Vital. Rhino is now walking again and even running after his toys again.
Rose-Hip Vital has been our miracle. Can’t imagine not having him with me.

Rhino on Rose-Hip Vital Canine


AGE: 15
CONDITION:  Pinched Nerve

"It was just so nice seeing him play with his mates again and enjoying it!"



Pumba was an amazing athlete his whole life! But the stress of living a full life had created arthritic changes in some of his joints but predominantly his spine. We'd been recommended getting him on glucosamine chondroitin which we did, but there was no significant improvement.

The smallest of steps became difficult and for a dog that was used to doing everything with ease it was frustrating him. I'd had friends with horses tell me about Rose-Hip Vital and what it'd done for their dressage stallions. So we gave it a go!

Within 3 weeks Pumba regained vigour, but most of all, his pain had eased so much. His glowingly sad demeanour saw a glow back in his eyes.

It was just so nice seeing him play with his mates again and enjoying it!


Dr Camille Brandt talks about her experience with Rose-Hip Vital Canine
BVSC (Hons I), MVS (SAP)
Orchard Hill Veterinary Hospital

"I recommend Rose-Hip Vital for Skin Conditions and Arthritis"



NAME: Jack
AGE: 11
CONDITION: Severe Arthritis

"Jack is an 11 year old Sharpei. The last couple of years he has begun to slow down and become more stiff. I had put it down to just old age. However Jack then began to crawl along the ground as walking was becoming too painful. After a trip to the vets, X-rays revealed that he has severe arthritis in his hips. I discovered Rose-Hip Vital on instagram and...READ MORE"


AGE: 11
CONDITION: Severe Arthritis

"Jack has been on it for 2 years now and I cannot believe the difference it has made."

Jack is an 11 year old Sharpei. The last couple of years he has begun to slow down and become more stiff. I had put it down to just old age. However Jack then began to crawl along the ground as walking was becoming too painful. After a trip to the vets, X-rays revealed that he has severe arthritis in his hips. I discovered Rose-Hip Vital on instagram and thought I would try it out. Jack has been on it for 2 years now and I cannot believe the difference it has made. He runs around like a puppy now and I can’t recommend this stuff enough!

NAME: Biscute
AGE: 16
CONDITION: Arthritis

"After just 1 week of using this I have noticed a massive difference in my dog. She is 16 yrs old and has arthritis in her lower spine and was struggling with getting up and down and moving around but after 1 week she is already running around and playing with her toys and back to her mischief that she would get up to 10+yrs ago. She is acting like a pup not...READ MORE"


AGE: 16
CONDITION: Arthritis

"After 1 week she is already running around and playing with her toys and back to her mischief that she would get up to 10+yrs ago."

After just 1 week of using this I have noticed a massive difference in my dog. She is 16 yrs old and has arthritis in her lower spine and was struggling with getting up and down and moving around but after 1 week she is already running around and playing with her toys and back to her mischief that she would get up to 10+yrs ago. She is acting like a pup not a senior doggie. Thank you for such an amazing product we love it and have been recommending it to all our friends and on my fb page.

AGE: 8
CONDITION: Arthritis

"Jax was very lethargic and limping due to pain from arthritis in his hips, he was always a very active boxer, but now he just wanted to sleep all the time and just wasn't himself. He now no longer feels pain, he is so active and back to doing zoomies!"


AGE: 8
CONDITION: Arthritis

"He now no longer feels pain, he is so active and back to doing zoomies!"

Jax was very lethargic and limping due to pain from arthritis in his hips, he was always a very active boxer, but now he just wanted to sleep all the time and just wasn't himself. He now no longer feels pain, he is so active and back to doing zoomies!

NAME: Georgia
AGE: 10
CONDITION: Arthritis

"We have been giving our German Shepherd Rose-Hip Vital for a little over 2 years. She is a large dog and suffers from arthritis. The difference it has made to her mobility and general health is amazing. I highly recommend this product."


AGE: 10
CONDITION: Arthritis

"The difference it has made to her mobility and general health is amazing."

We have been giving our German Shepherd Rose-Hip Vital for a little over 2 years. She is a large dog and suffers from arthritis. The difference it has made to her mobility and general health is amazing. I highly recommend this product.

NAME: Jimmy
AGE: 10
CONDITION: Arthritis

"Jimmy has arthritis in his elbows and was lame most days and worse after a walk, after a friend referred Rose-Hip Vital so we decided to give it a go. Well after a few weeks no more lameness on any normal day, after a few long walks over consecutive days he can still become lame though, but after a little rest and staying on the powder he comes good so much...READ MORE"


AGE: 10
CONDITION: Arthritis

"He’s definitely happier! Back to barking and being a crazy staffy!!"

Jimmy has arthritis in his elbows and was lame most days and worse after a walk, after a friend referred Rose-Hip Vital so we decided to give it a go. Well after a few weeks no more lameness on any normal day, after a few long walks over consecutive days he can still become lame though, but after a little rest and staying on the powder he comes good so much quicker than before! I’ve just ordered tablet form for myself for me sore stiff knee! He’s definitely happier! Back to barking and being a crazy staffy!!

Improve your dog’s joint health and wellbeing

Reduce inflammation, protect cartilage and boost immunity

Rose-Hip Vital® Canine is a plant-based anti-inflammatory and immune system support for your dog's joint health and general wellbeing. Made from Rosehips manufactured with patented processes, Rose-Hip Vital® Canine is scientifically proven to reduce inflammation, protect cartilage, improve general health and improve performance.

Patented extraction and drying processes isolate and activate the compound GOPO® which has scientifically proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. GOPO® works by stopping excess white blood cells from gathering around inflamed tissue, thereby helping to break the cycle of inflammation and protect cartilage. Rosehip products that do not contain GOPO® have not been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.