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Our Customers Stories


AGE: 12

Our Veterinarian was thrilled and amazed with the change in her.

Our 14-year-old Beaglier, Sizzles, was barely able to get up from the bed and go outside. She suffered terribly, was extremely ginger when touched, and really struggled throughout the day. Essentially, she seemed to be giving up, and rarely got out of bed at all. We all thought that she didn't have much time left.

What an amazing transformation!

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NAME: Hemi
AGE: 14
CONDITION: Arthritis

"Hemi is a 14yo Goldie and was uncomfortable and had trouble getting up from her naps. The vet diagnosed her with doggy arthritis and started NSAIDs which helped her hips and back, but made her sick. So we tried some Rose-Hip Vital on the vet's advice, and later we also started adding a squirt of hemp oil on her kibble. Noticeable difference within a week...READ MORE"


AGE: 14
CONDITION: Arthritis

"We've been that happy with the difference it made to the older 2 that we've got the young pup on it early as prevention/joint support."

Hemi is a 14yo Goldie and was uncomfortable and had trouble getting up from her naps. The vet diagnosed her with doggy arthritis and started NSAIDs which helped her hips and back, but made her sick. So we tried some Rose-Hip Vital on the vet's advice, and later we also started adding a squirt of hemp oil on her kibble. Noticeable difference within a week so we put our 13yo Kelpie Yoda and 1yo Goldie boy Archer on it too. It has helped Yoda a lot as he's had both knees rebuilt and has prior back soreness, he's much happier and it's helped his appetite return. We've been that happy with the difference it made to the older 2 that we've got the young pup on it early as prevention/joint support and I'm considering some for my knees and back now too.

Hemi on Rose-Hip Vital Canine

Hemi & Archer on Rose-Hip Vital Canine

Hemi on Rose-Hip Vital Canine

NAME: Bella
AGE: 8.5
CONDITION: Elbow Dysplasia

"My Bella (Border Collie) was diagnosed with Elbow dysplasia about 7 years ago. Initially she used to have to have a dose of Metacam every 5 months or so if she started favouring the joint, until I discovered this miraculous product of yours and have been using it for about the last 5-6 years. Since she has been on a maintenance dose (after the initial...READ MORE"


AGE: 8.5
CONDITION: Elbow Dysplasia

"Metacam has become a thing of the past. She is now 8 ½ years old and going strong, achieving amazing results in Scentwork (low impact sport)."

My Bella (Border Collie) was diagnosed with Elbow dysplasia about 7 years ago. Initially she used to have to have a dose of Metacam every 5 months or so if she started favouring the joint, until I discovered this miraculous product of yours and have been using it for about the last 5-6 years.

Since she has been on a maintenance dose (after the initial loading dose) in her food every night, Metacam has become a thing of the past. She is now 8 ½ years old and going strong, achieving amazing results in Scentwork (low impact sport) and is currently competing at Masters level. As a special treat, I occasionally let her go through a few tunnels and over a couple of ‘low’ jumps which she loves. Saying that, I am also very mindful of what she is allowed and not allowed to do and have her on a Raw Food diet and is on Vet supervision for her joint. She has not once shown any lameness or favouring of the affected joint for years.

I now have an new addition to my family, Yuffie a 6 month old Border Collie that I have also introduced Rose-Hip Vital to for general wellbeing and healthy joint maintenance.

I have recommended this product to many of my Dog Sport friends who have also seen amazing results in their dogs.

Keep up the good work, I will continue to extol the virtues of this product to all in the Dog Sport community.

Attached is a photo of Bella doing what she does best – Scentwork. This search was a Masters search and gained her, her Vehicle Element Title. The leg with dysplasia is the front black leg that you can see in the photo, although you wouldn’t know it looking at this ‘textbook’ indication she is giving. Also attached is a photo of Yuffie who I have also started on Rose-Hip Vital, to give her the best start to Agility training when she is a little older.

Bella on Rose-Hip Vital Canine

Bella on Rose-Hip Vital Canine

Yuffie on Rose-Hip Vital Canine

NAME: Bentley
AGE: 18 months
CONDITION: Hip Dysplasia

"Rose-Hip Vital is an all natural product which I began to use when my 18month golden retriever was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. Bentley displayed great discomfort after running, laying down and walking as he would limp and be quite stiff in his movement. After commencing the booster week program for Rose-Hip Vital I saw positive improvements...READ MORE"


AGE: 18 months
CONDITION: Hip Dysplasia

"I saw positive improvements already as he is more free in his mobility and has a reduction in his pain/discomfort."

Rose-Hip Vital is an all natural product which I began to use when my 18month golden retriever was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. Bentley displayed great discomfort after running, laying down and walking as he would limp and be quite stiff in his movement. After commencing the booster week program for Rose-Hip Vital I saw positive improvements already as he is more free in his mobility and has a reduction in his pain/discomfort. I would recommend this product to anyone out there needing some help with their pooch in ensuring they are receiving the best quality product to support their dogs health needs! 10/10

Bentley on Rose-Hip Vital Canine

NAME: Molly & Baxter
AGE: 4 & 3

"Much improved movement! Molly (left) was diagnosed stage 1 IVDD. Although she had relatively good movement she was confined to 6 weeks crate rest. I started her and her brother (B&T) on a scoop of Rose-Hip Vital a day for breakfast. I am convinced this has aided in her recovery. I am always telling people the benefits of this supplement and thank...READ MORE"

Molly & Baxter

AGE: 4 & 3

"I am convinced this has aided in her recovery!"

Much improved movement!
Molly (left) was diagnosed stage 1 IVDD. Although she had relatively good movement she was confined to 6 weeks crate rest.
I started her and her brother (B&T) on a scoop of Rose-Hip Vital a day for breakfast.
I am convinced this has aided in her recovery.
I am always telling people the benefits of this supplement and thank goodness for it.

Molly & Baxter on Rose-Hip Vital Canine

NAME: Beau & Harley
AGE: 6
CONDITION: Lameness & Prevention

"My Belgian shepherd at the age of 5 had become so lame after running (which is her favourite thing to do) that she could hardly walk after she had layed down for a while. Within 3months of using Rose-Hip Vital she was like a new dog. Twelve months down the track and she can run around so much more. It has been a life changer...READ MORE"

Beau & Harley

AGE: 6
CONDITION: Lameness & Prevention

"It has been a life changer for her and I have got my other Belgian on it also as a preventative"

My Belgian shepherd at the age of 5 had become so lame after running (which is her favourite thing to do) that she could hardly walk after she had layed down for a while. Within 3months of using Rose-Hip Vital she was like a new dog. Twelve months down the track and she can run around so much more. It has been a life changer for her and I have got my other Belgian on it also as a preventative, I highly recommend Rose-Hip Vital.

Beau & Harley on Rose-Hip Vital Canine

Beau & Harley on Rose-Hip Vital Canine

Improve your dog’s joint health and wellbeing

Reduce inflammation, protect cartilage and boost immunity

Rose-Hip Vital® Canine is a plant-based anti-inflammatory and immune system support for your dog's joint health and general wellbeing. Made from Rosehips manufactured with patented processes, Rose-Hip Vital® Canine is scientifically proven to reduce inflammation, protect cartilage, improve general health and improve performance.

Patented extraction and drying processes isolate and activate the compound GOPO® which has scientifically proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. GOPO® works by stopping excess white blood cells from gathering around inflamed tissue, thereby helping to break the cycle of inflammation and protect cartilage. Rosehip products that do not contain GOPO® have not been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.