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Youve Taught Me So Much Abbey Thank You

Youve taught me so much Abbey. Thank you

Photo credit: JA Photographics

Written by Sharyn Symonds

15 months ago I was offered the opportunity to purchase an FEI schoolmaster who was training all the Grand Prix movements and who had competed at Inter II level.

At the time I wasnt looking for another horse as I had Flash and we were slowly learning this dressage gig together. It was my husband who encouraged me to take the almost 3hr drive to go and have a ride and see what I thought. Two weeks later the deal was done and I became the owner of Abbey, a 17yr old Clydie x TB who had buttons that this beginner dressage rider had no idea existed! I can recall my first ride at home and when I asked for canter I got passage, then I hauled on the reins and got piaffe then when I finally got canter every time I moved in the saddle she did a flying change..OMG what was I thinking, I couldnt even ride a lap of the arena in working trot without pressing a wrong button! I honestly felt like an absolute beginner again.

My coach at the time was a great help and as soon as he fixed me things started to improve. Sit still, dont move your hip, dont move your leg back, just sit tall and ride from your core and your seat. Ive always heard people talk about the fact you need great core strength to ride dressage and until now Ive always thought pfttt what are they on about, look at my shape and size, definitely no six pack hidden under this shirt and Im doing ok!

Well guess what, they were right and while I still dont have a 6 pack (far from it actually) my position, my core strength and my riding in general have improved out of sight from riding a horse that was so superbly trained that everything was text book. My training included watching You Tube videos on things like half pass/shoulder in and renvers then Id head out and give it a go. Sometimes it wasnt pretty but she is a horse with a temperament and a heart of gold and even when I got it all wrong she never got upset she just tried to give me something else instead.

Although Ive only owned abbey for 15 months she has accelerated my riding and taught me things that years of lessons cant buy. During my time with her she has never had a lame day, not one cough/cold she looks great and at her vet check last week the attending vet was impressed and said she flexed better than most 5 year olds!

The only supplement she gets is Rose-Hip Vital Equine and I believe it has been instrumental in keeping Abbey sound and up to the job of the higher level dressage movements. Anyone who owns an older horse can appreciate what it takes to keep them going and for that I cant thank Rose-Hip Vital enough!

Abbey has been the perfect schoolmaster and now its time for her to pass her knowledge on to her next owner which just happens to be a very good friend of mine, who Im sure will have just as much fun as I have! Happy riding to you all and if you have any questions about Rose-Hip Vital Im more than happy to share my experience with you.


Read on to find out just how much Rose-Hip Vital Equine has helped Abbey

This is not the first time I have written a testimonial on Rose-Hip Vital Equine and Im sure it wont be the last. You may remember my horse Flash who has ringbone? Well Im pleased to say he is still going strong on Rose-Hip Vital Equine.

This testimonial is about a 17yo Clyde/TB X who was trained to Grand Prix level with her previous owner. Retired from competition due to some stiffness and probable arthritic changes she was pretty much enjoying semi-retirement when her then owner offered her to me as a schoolmaster to learn the higher level movements of dressage on.

I was told right from the start that she would not pass a vet check and that she was quite stiff at the start of each ride. Not deterred I travelled nearly 3hrs to go and have a ride. I knew if I could manage her soundness I could learn a lot!

My decision was made easier by the fact that I knew I had an ace up my sleeve in Rose-Hip Vital. The day she arrived she was started on the loading dose. By week 3 things started to change and from there on each ride just got better and better. She has now been on Rose-Hip Vital for 7 weeks and she is back in full work and she looks so amazing that even my non horsey husband has been astounded at the results.

Her coat is shiny, she looks healthy and most of all that arthritic stiffness is completely gone, to the point that I have entered her into a competition in 2 weeks time! Thank you Rose-Hip Vital you have given me the opportunity to learn all the higher level dressage movements by keeping my 17yo Grand Prix dressage schoolmaster sound and happy!

Written by Sharyn Symonds

Improve your horse's joint health and wellbeing

Reduce inflammation, protect cartilage and boost immunity

Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is a plant-based anti- inflammatory and immune system support for your horse’s joint health and general wellbeing. Made from Rosehips manufactured with patented processes, Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is scientifically proven to reduce inflammation, protect cartilage, improve general health and improve performance.

Patented extraction and drying processes isolate and activate the compound GOPO® which has scientifically proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. GOPO® works by stopping excess white blood cells from gathering around inflamed tissue, thereby helping to break the cycle of inflammation and protect cartilage. Rosehip products that do not contain GOPO® have not been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.