CONDITION: Wellbeing
Rose-Hip Vital (RHV) was initially recommended to me by a colleague. Since I have had much earlier experience with rosehips while living in Denmark, where I was in love with the rosehip (hyben) jam and a powdered concentrate made into a warm drink, I was extremely curious about what benefits RHV could provide to my patients.
Soon after contacting RHV directly, they helped me by generously providing some products to trial on a variety of cases. The cases included:
- an equine veterinarian with spinal pain and daily consumption of ibuprofen
- a fussy Thoroughbred in race training that would not eat and maintain weight
- two horses suffering from insect bite hypersensitivity (receiving corticosteroids and antihistamines daily),
- a geriatric equine patient with “sidewinder syndrome” (spinal osteoarthritis) and
- another human with plantar fasciitis were our case studies
The results were astounding after just a few weeks: the equine vet was not reaching for the ibuprofen anymore, the fussy Thoroughbred was eating everything and winning races, the horses with the insect bite hypersensitivity were no longer rubbed raw and the other medications had been stopped when RHV started, the geriatric patient’s gait improved dramatically so he could walk straight, and the plantar fasciitis patient could start to run again.
Since then I have used RHV in horses recovering from severe infections and colic surgery, as well as horses, humans and dogs with osteoarthritis. I have really liked their friendly and approachable service, the quality and consistency of the product and how all the animals love it! The geriatric patient would have his mouth open and ready as we syringed it into his mouth each day.
I found the experience since using and supplying RHV for myself and for friends or clients to always be a positive one. I am still excited when I hear positive feedback from clients when they have started using it on themselves, their dogs or their horses.
I would recommend Rose-Hip Vital to anyone looking to reduce their reliance on anti-inflammatory medication for osteoarthritis or an immune boost when recovering from surgery or illness.
What I don’t recommend is that you stop taking it! Your aches and pains return and you find yourself reaching for the paracetamol or ibuprofen.
Dr Suzanne Polak
Equine Veterinarian
BVSc BAppSc (equine science)
Grad Dip (Animal Biomechanical Medicine)