AGE: -
CONDITION: Wellbeing
"The dog myself and horses will all continue to take rhv"
About 4 mths ago I was given a small sample of Rose-Hip Vital to try on an old dog that was having tramadol daily for mobility and pain relief. Ivy is 16 and within days I noticed a big improvement and was able to stop tramadol treatment and just use rhv. Ivy could run and play again, panting stopped because of being out of pain. Ivy is a very fussy eater but readily eats the rhv on food, which didn’t happen with other products tried.
I decided to try rhv myself for sore shoulders and neck from years of heavy lifting and being over 50, found the same as the dog, much relief plus bonus of leg cramps reducing and general well-being feeling. We own and train racehorses so thought with great results on Ivy and myself would like to try the product on 2 horses, one being Mister Milton who benefits from treatment, so in using rhv hope to have a great spring racing with him and many more years of healthy happy horse.
The other horse is a retired 6yo mare who severed the tendon in front leg above the knee, should have been put down but decided to try to save her. For many months a very lame horse with big ugly swollen leg, was told she will have very limited mobility. Giving her bute daily was the only thing that allowed her to get around, but knew it was not a long term product to use. We put her on a herbal treatment with no bute and was just okay with sometimes still needing bute, used rhv with herbal mix and have had great results, no bute needed and she can now gallop around her paddock bucking and playing and the swelling in leg reduced greatly, very happy horse and owners.
I ran out of rhv about 3 weeks ago with in that time Crystal is back to very sore limited mobility, leg swollen again and very unhappy. Desperate to put her back on rhv have just started her on the canine one yesterday so hope to see improvement soon. The dog myself and horses will all continue to take rhv with another filly going on it when it is available. Thank you Rose-Hip Vital .. Janine.