CONDITION: Wellbeing
“This stuff = WOW!!!”
My spooky horse Opie had a severe neurological condition which is still being investigated. He has had every test you can think of, from bloods, scoping, x rays to bone scans, his immune system has been somehow compromised during this time as well as he catches a lot of virus’s and is generally unwell.
I put him on a double loading dose as we thought his immune system was so suppressed and after only a couple of weeks on Rose-Hip Vital Equine he started to improve greatly. He is actually improving so much we are starting to think he may become rideable!
His symptoms displayed a lot like a wobbler, he was very inconsistent with his symptoms and we started to think this possibly arose from a bout of ross river virus. Last year he looked to have head shakers for a few months there and then he developed the spookiness. When I rode him this time last year he spooked and bolted resulting in me coming off and fracturing my spine, during this time he has lost a lot of weight, muscle condition and he drags his back legs.
I am absolutely stunned at how much Opie is improving, he is a lot less spooky in both the arena and the paddock. He was a 585KG warmblood needing to put on weight and he is actually putting it on now.