"I feel that it has helped his liver recover and regenerate, and boosted his immune system which was severely depleted"
About 4 mths ago I was given a small sample of Rose-Hip Vital to try on an old dog that was having tramadol daily for mobility and pain relief. Ivy is 16 and within days I noticed a big improvement and was able to stop tramadol treatment and just use rhv. Ivy could run and play again, panting stopped because of being out of pain.
The old horse which was touch and go to survive after a serious but mystery illness, has made a remarkable recovery (the vet was very surprised!). Once he started eating again I re-introduced Rose-Hip Vital powder at the loading dose for 3 weeks and have just reduced it to the maintenance dose. I did not put him back on the MSM and Glucosamine so I can get an accurate reading of his progress on just Rose-Hip Vital. He is also now on Cushings medication. I am pleased to say that he is “blooming” with health, eating really well and recovered the weight he lost during the illness. His previous soundness issues (in front) are reduced but not gone, and he is moving much better behind. The major improvement is in his attitude, he is keen to “march” out to his paddock, something he has not done for several years, and my husband has recently started riding him again and has commented that he is “ keen to work” , which is not usual for this horse. I know that the Cushings medication could also be contributing to his new found energy, but feel that Rose-Hip Vital is helping considerably. I feel that it has helped his liver recover and regenerate, and boosted his immune system which was severely depleted by the Cushings disease, infection and antibiotics.