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Equine Testimonials: Rose-Hip Vital Success Stories

Sheer Etiquette (Ellie)

RIDER: Susan Paix's

In 2011 we started competing at Grand Prix International, unfortunately arthritic changes and stiffness set in for Ellie and we sadly decided to retire. Six months ago I started Ellie on Rose-Hip Vital. The change is unbelievable. 

Ellie is better now than when she was competing. Ellie and I are going back into competition at the ripe age of 20. This is so exciting!

Life is too short to be unhealthy. Thank you Rose-Hip Vital!

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NAME: Greyfeathers
AGE: 23
CONDITION: Arthritis

"I saw your product through a Facebook ad back at the beginning of September. I have a 23 year old appaloosa who works 10+ hours in lessons and another 10+ hours training a week for competition. He is a ranch versatility horse but does have some arthritis in his sacral area which flares up every winter. This causes intermittent lameness and makes him...READ MORE"

Greyfeathers Chants of War

AGE: 23
CONDITION: Arthritis

“I am happy and surprised to say that he moves like a 5 year old now”

I saw your product through a Facebook ad back at the beginning of September. I have a 23 year old appaloosa who works 10+ hours in lessons and another 10+ hours training a week for competition. He is a ranch versatility horse but does have some arthritis in his sacral area which flares up every winter. This causes intermittent lameness and makes him pretty grumpy when worked.

I’ve had him on countless NSAIDs and joint supplements so when I saw your ad, I figured what could it hurt to try your equine supplement if it provided him some relief.

I am happy and surprised to say that he moves like a 5 year old now, even in our 30 degree weather right now. I have yet to see any signs of lameness and he is so eager to work with me.

We may have additional horses move to this supplement before the end of the year. I recommend your company to everyone I know!

I love your product and cannot say enough good things about it!


Name: Raquel Corbett
CONDITION: Performance

"After purchasing this OTT in April 2016, he rapidly lost weight and showed very disturbing behaviour to say the least. I was completely at a loss and practically threw food at him 24/7, had him treated for ulcers, stomach drenched, turned out, complete bloods taken and more. A costly first 6 months and enormous regret for my diminished bank account...READ MORE"

Raquel Corbett

CONDITION: Performance

"Enormous improvement in his weight, coat and general condition"

After purchasing this OTT in April 2016, he rapidly lost weight and showed very disturbing behaviour to say the least. I was completely at a loss and practically threw food at him 24/7, had him treated for ulcers, stomach drenched, turned out, complete bloods taken and more. A costly first 6 months and enormous regret for my diminished bank account and broken body!

I consider myself a pretty lucky person (i.e. someone who goes after what they want and therefore appears “lucky” to outsiders, lol) and was contacted in regards to a potential sponsor via Geoffrey McLean.

Enter Rose-Hip Vital Equine and Justin Diamond. What great timing! This horse’s future was very likely to end before it even begun and Justin was keen for me to start him on RHVE and see how things went. He has now been on it since mid-October 2016. I don’t have a photo showing him at his worst as it was mortifying to see. If I had taken his rugs off surely someone would have reported me to the RSPCA! It was that bad. Anyone who knows me will attest to the condition my horses are kept in…NEVER SKINNY! Perhaps plump

The ‘after’ photo shows the enormous improvement in his weight, coat and general condition. I have not yet started him back in work but I’m hoping he will continue to build muscle and condition when this happens.

Justin has been hugely supportive and his sponsorship has been instrumental in the health and wellbeing of my horses and myself. If anyone would like to chat about the product and its uses both equine and human I have many stories to tell, lol. The before and after are undeniable. RHVE rocks!

The Stable Design EMP team, all three are on Rose-Hip Vital Equine, it has made its impact on all of us but you have got to love the dapples coming through on Woodleigh Radience.

Thanks Justin and RHVE for your ongoing sponsorship and support.

Raquel Corbett

Improve your horse's joint health and wellbeing

Reduce inflammation, protect cartilage and boost immunity

Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is a plant-based anti- inflammatory and immune system support for your horse’s joint health and general wellbeing. Made from Rosehips manufactured with patented processes, Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is scientifically proven to reduce inflammation, protect cartilage, improve general health and improve performance.

Patented extraction and drying processes isolate and activate the compound GOPO® which has scientifically proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. GOPO® works by stopping excess white blood cells from gathering around inflamed tissue, thereby helping to break the cycle of inflammation and protect cartilage. Rosehip products that do not contain GOPO® have not been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.