Greyfeathers Chants of War
AGE: 23
CONDITION: Arthritis
“I am happy and surprised to say that he moves like a 5 year old now”
I saw your product through a Facebook ad back at the beginning of September. I have a 23 year old appaloosa who works 10+ hours in lessons and another 10+ hours training a week for competition. He is a ranch versatility horse but does have some arthritis in his sacral area which flares up every winter. This causes intermittent lameness and makes him pretty grumpy when worked.
I’ve had him on countless NSAIDs and joint supplements so when I saw your ad, I figured what could it hurt to try your equine supplement if it provided him some relief.
I am happy and surprised to say that he moves like a 5 year old now, even in our 30 degree weather right now. I have yet to see any signs of lameness and he is so eager to work with me.
We may have additional horses move to this supplement before the end of the year. I recommend your company to everyone I know!
I love your product and cannot say enough good things about it!