"I have noticed improvements in his flexion and length of stride"
I have had my 22 year old ex school horse Zed for over 2 years now. Many years ago he had a bad incident with some wire and cut across his off hind, leaving quite a big scar. This resulted in over compensation on his left side, causing the odd shoulder problem, balance issues lifting his legs on the left side and some unsoundness in the fore at times.
In April of this year (2012), Zed managed to cut deeply right across the top of his front right knee. After daily treatment scrubbing back and adding what was necessary, it took three months for the scab to finally come off. Next was the task of getting him back into light work. Around this time, I started Zed on Rose Hip Vital. As it was difficult to pinpoint cartilage damage without a vet consultation, I have relied on Zed’s capabilities with a strict routine. Also being Winter, which is never a good time for an older horse, I had to be sure of what I was noticing.
There was definitely an improvement by the 6 week mark. It was suggested that he stay on the double dose for an extra month, which I found to be worthwhile and he is now on the maintenance dose. Gradually I have noticed improvements in his flexion and length of stride when he is not being lazy. Bearing in mind too, that even though the open wound was no longer, there was still a degree of swelling and soreness. This past weekend (October 2012), Zed has been more forward and was able to complete a Cross Country course (jump poles only) and games day with no after effects the following day. It has taken 6 months of strict, regular work and daily doses of Rose Hip Vital to have my horse back better than he was before.
I look forward to continuing the use of Rose Hip Vital as a maintenance program for Zed. Overall, although it has been harder from my point of view to report on his progress as I am with him most days, a change has been noticed by others as well. Anne
A further update to my last report in October. Zed is 22 years old and been on RHV since July 2012. At the time of starting, Zed was still recovering from a gash above his knee from April. There was a period of about 1 1/2 months that he would not eat his bowl feeds, so RHV was stopped. This was during the Spring time when the grass was lush. Since being back on it for the same amount of time, I have noticed improvements in his forwardness and recently, his ability to do regular jumping, both in the paddocks and arena and better than he has before with me. The ground is a lot harder at the moment so more likely that he wouldn’t cope as well, but not a problem. I look forward to continuing RHV at the beginning of Winter this year, as that will certainly be a good test for Zed, being the worst of the seasons.
Regards Anne
This being my third testimonial throughout this past year, the big test for RHV was going to be this Winter, due to the fact that we started late July/August 2012 and heading into Spring. Zed, who will be 23 this year, has always been sluggish during the Winter months that I have had him and his hardest time. Quality of work was harder, but that could be the rider who needs to be on RHV. Originally I could report small improvements but nothing substantial from that time. Although the weather has been unusual and despite a small time over the Summer when Zed wasn’t eating his bowl feeds, he has remained on RHV, 6 days, if not 7 days a week. The difference this Winter for me so far, is the joy I am having getting that quality of work needed to keep his muscles built up and the overall picture is looking great.
I do feel that RHV has helped to keep him more supple during this icy weather in the hills of South Australia.