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Equine Testimonials: Rose-Hip Vital Success Stories

Sheer Etiquette (Ellie)

RIDER: Susan Paix's

In 2011 we started competing at Grand Prix International, unfortunately arthritic changes and stiffness set in for Ellie and we sadly decided to retire. Six months ago I started Ellie on Rose-Hip Vital. The change is unbelievable. 

Ellie is better now than when she was competing. Ellie and I are going back into competition at the ripe age of 20. This is so exciting!

Life is too short to be unhealthy. Thank you Rose-Hip Vital!

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NAME: Rosie
AGE: 12
CONDITION: Laminitis & Mobility
LOCATION: Lawrenceville, GA

"I have noticed great movement since starting supplement. Rosie had kissing spine surgery a year ago, but we still noticed she was a little sore, especially on her one side. Found out she had laminitis in her left foot. Decided to use your product to see if it would help relief her inflammation in that hoof and give overall...READ MORE"


AGE: 12
CONDITION: Laminitis & Mobility
LOCATION: Lawrenceville, GA

"I have noticed great movement since starting supplement."

I have noticed great movement since starting supplement. Rosie had kissing spine surgery a year ago, but we still noticed she was a little sore, especially on her one side. Found out she had laminitis in her left foot. Decided to use your product to see if it would help relief her inflammation in that hoof and give overall joint improvement and it did.

Rosie on Rose-Hip Vital Equine

NAME: Luna
AGE: 11
CONDITION: Joint Pain & Mobility

"Luna was stiff, not willing to move out could be called "lazy" and "lacking". Now she is very forward moving, willing to stretch and and overall more happy than I have seen her in 2 years, doing zoomies around the paddock daily and not sore after."


AGE: 11
CONDITION: Joint Pain & Mobility

"Now she is very forward moving, willing to stretch and and overall more happy than I have seen her in 2 years"

Luna was stiff, not willing to move out could be called "lazy" and "lacking". Now she is very forward moving, willing to stretch and and overall more happy than I have seen her in 2 years, doing zoomies around the paddock daily and not sore after.

Luna on Rose-Hip Vital Equine

NAME: Amarah
AGE: 8
CONDITION: Joint Pain & Mobility

"Inflamed joints and a slight 2 out of 5 lame, vet suggest to try a joint supplement. Now she’s out competing again with no soundness issues."


AGE: 8
CONDITION: Joint Pain & Mobility

"Now she’s out competing again with no soundness issues."

Inflamed joints and a slight 2 out of 5 lame, vet suggest to try a joint supplement. Now she’s out competing again with no soundness issues.

Amarah on Rose-Hip Vital Equine

Amarah on Rose-Hip Vital Equine

NAME: Prince
AGE: 18
CONDITION: Performance

"Prince was experiencing hind end weakness...the most obvious sign was that he was dragging his hind toes. You could literally see trails behind us. He was losing muscle, stiff and reluctant under saddle. Not good as we had just starting bringing home some placings in dressage after years of work. Vet confirmed no injuries or concerns - it was a case of stiffness. I...READ MORE"


AGE: 18
CONDITION: Performance

"I truly believe without adding in Rose-Hip Vital we would still be battling up hill in our training."

Prince was experiencing hind end weakness...the most obvious sign was that he was dragging his hind toes. You could literally see trails behind us. He was losing muscle, stiff and reluctant under saddle. Not good as we had just starting bringing home some placings in dressage after years of work. Vet confirmed no injuries or concerns - it was a case of stiffness. I train Prince with classical and scientific principles in mind and whilst I believe we could improve his situation with correct and kind training I felt that he needed some support to make his journey easier. This is where Rose-Hip Vital has come in. After 1 month Prince started giving a few trot strides with all hooves clearing the ground, then a quarter circle, then a whole circle. Suddenly we could do shoulder-fore in walk and even some trot! Something we had been battling with for so so long became possible. Prince is feeling so much stronger now, his trot feels so comfy to sit to, he is quieter in the mouth and feels so eager and willing. I truly believe without adding in Rose-Hip Vital we would still be battling up hill in our training. Now the hardwork continues to keep training Prince in such a way that improves his body and keeping him healthy for years to come. With Rose-Hip Vital on our side also! Thank you for Rose-Hip Vitall! We love it.

Prince on Rose-Hip Vital Equine

Prince on Rose-Hip Vital Equine


NAME: Delta
AGE: 9

"Delta was very stiff and sore. Since putting Delta on Rose-Hip Vital she is a different pony. She walks better, she even canters really well since being on this product. Thank you."


AGE: 9

"Since putting Delta on Rose-Hip Vital she is a different pony"

Delta was very stiff and sore. Since putting Delta on Rose-Hip Vital she is a different pony. She walks better, she even canters really well since being on this product. Thank you.

Delta on Rose-Hip Vital Equine

Improve your horse's joint health and wellbeing

Reduce inflammation, protect cartilage and boost immunity

Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is a plant-based anti- inflammatory and immune system support for your horse’s joint health and general wellbeing. Made from Rosehips manufactured with patented processes, Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is scientifically proven to reduce inflammation, protect cartilage, improve general health and improve performance.

Patented extraction and drying processes isolate and activate the compound GOPO® which has scientifically proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. GOPO® works by stopping excess white blood cells from gathering around inflamed tissue, thereby helping to break the cycle of inflammation and protect cartilage. Rosehip products that do not contain GOPO® have not been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.