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Equine Testimonials: Rose-Hip Vital Success Stories

Sheer Etiquette (Ellie)

RIDER: Susan Paix's

In 2011 we started competing at Grand Prix International, unfortunately arthritic changes and stiffness set in for Ellie and we sadly decided to retire. Six months ago I started Ellie on Rose-Hip Vital. The change is unbelievable. 

Ellie is better now than when she was competing. Ellie and I are going back into competition at the ripe age of 20. This is so exciting!

Life is too short to be unhealthy. Thank you Rose-Hip Vital!

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NAME: Kim Kelly
Show Champion & Dressage Rider
CONDITION: Performance

"I thought receiving a communications internship from Rose-Hip Vital was my lucky break, it turned out that it was my horse Fox’s lucky break too! When I started with Rose-Hip Vital in August last year Fox was three weeks out of colic surgery having battled through several colic episodes during the four months prior, giving us...READ MORE"

Kim Kelly

State Show Champion & Dressage Rider
CONDITION: Performance

"This product has given me back my content, healthy horse, providing Fox with the support he needed"

I thought receiving a communications internship from Rose-Hip Vital was my lucky break, it turned out that it was my horse Fox’s lucky break too! When I started with Rose-Hip Vital in August last year Fox was three weeks out of colic surgery having battled through several colic episodes during the four months prior, giving us no choice but to resort to surgery. These episodes of varying severity and the surgery to correct what turned out to be a partial twist of the large bowel took an enormous toll on Fox’s body. To add to this, his body rejected the stitches which began a series of minor infections at the site which were remedied only with bute and antibiotics taking approximately one week to heal each time and causing Fox even greater pain and discomfort during that time.

On starting my internship with Rose-Hip Vital I was lucky enough to be given a bucket of Rose-Hip Vital Equine to trial on Fox. Having worked my way through all the product information, testimonials and scientific research to familiarise myself with the product on my first day in the office, I couldn’t wait to get it into his feed and see if it worked for myself, hoping it would provide him with the anti-inflammatory and immune system support he so desperately needed at this time. Expecting to see only a slow and gradual change in Fox I was completely shocked when after only one week I witnessed the incredible impact of Rose-Hip Vital Equine when Fox had an infection at the site of the stitches for the third time. On this occasion however, it grew to nothing more then a bit of soreness and redness and within 24 hours it was gone. No bute, no antibiotics and not another week of further discomfort for Fox. I couldn’t believe the immediacy and the enormity of the impact of Rose-Hip Vital Equine. Not only did it put the brakes on this infection but it was also the last infection he had.

Fox continued to improve quickly over the following weeks and months. His coat, weight, energy and personality returning to reveal the healthy and happy horse we had known before his first bout of colic. When it finally came to bringing him back into work I expected him to lack energy and to struggle with recovery after each ride. But again I was surprised to discover that quite the opposite! Fox felt as though he had the energy and stamina that he possessed when in peak condition. He was happy and willing and felt like we hadn’t missed a days riding, let alone 9 months worth! Even after work he was bright and happy and ready to go again next time. I couldn't believe it and had to keep reminding myself that he actually was unfit and out of condition and to take it easy because you certainly couldn't tell by riding or looking at him! Rose-Hip Vital Equine was definitely doing its job!

Nearly 16 months on from surgery Fox continues to blossom. He is happier and healthier then ever and back out competing in the show and dressage arenas, constantly receiving comments from people on how well he looks. This product has given me back my content, healthy horse, providing Fox with the support he needed to return to full health and work and I don't know if that would have been possible without Rose-Hip Vital Equine.

Thank you to Rose-Hip Vital for the incredible opportunities you have given me and Fox. It is a great feeling to have peace of mind knowing that my horses have the support of a natural and effective supplement for their ongoing joint health and wellbeing.

NAME: Rebecca Seidman
: -

I spoke to you mid-July about my horse who had been suffering from hock pain in both hind legs, as a result, she also suffered from mild pain around the coronet/fetlock area and general muscle soreness in the rump region.I started her on Rose Hip Vital Equine a few days after our conversation. We are now on the second bucket, and on a maintenance dose...READ MORE"

Rebecca Seidman

AGE: -

"I am pleased with how Rose Hip Vital has taken effect"

I spoke to you mid-July about my horse who had been suffering from hock pain in both hind legs, as a result, she also suffered from mild pain around the coronet/fetlock area and general muscle soreness in the rump region.

I started her on Rose Hip Vital Equine a few days after our conversation. We are now on the second bucket, and on a maintenance dose. After a physical exam yesterday, she tested negative to a flexion test (after testing positive in July), she is clearly not in as much pain since her previous exam in July and appears to be more comfortable with the areas being touched.

We will review giving a Pentosan injection into the muscle mid-September if pain is still present however so far, the results speak for themselves and I am pleased with how Rose Hip Vital has taken effect.

Thank you for introducing us to the product and I look forward to continue using Rose Hip Vital permanently.

NAME: Teagan Hore
AGE: 10
CONDITION: Skin Condition


"I have a 10yo mare who has had a skin condition on her back legs for the last 18months. She has been to numerous vets and been on several treatment trial with no luck. A friend of mine mentioned giving Rose-Hip Vital Equine a try. End of January 2016: She’s going great! I got it for a mixture of things – she has a skin condition...READ MORE"

Teagan Hore

AGE: 10
: Skin Condition
: AUS 

"Her coat is looking amazing and she is moving really well"

Mid December 2015

I have a 10yo mare who has had a skin condition on her back legs for the last 18months. She has been to numerous vets and been on several treatment trial with no luck. A friend of mine mentioned giving Rose-Hip Vital Equine a try.

End of January 2016

She’s going great! I got it for a mixture of things – she has a skin condition, and she had been recovering from tearing a ligament and slicing through her tendon sheath which got contaminated so surgery was a must. Her coat is looking amazing and she is moving really well – so much so I will be able to get on her next week to begin her ridden rehab! Thank you so much – the product is amazing.

NAME: Ashleigh Meager
AGE: 2-15
CONDITION: Performance

"We have 6 horses in work that vary in age from 2 to 15. They have all been on Rose-Hip Vital Equine for about 7 months, including our mare and foal. I started feeding it after all the trouble I was having with my current show horse ‘Tyrell Park Alil Stormy’. He used to have terrible trouble with his skin, infections and swelling of his legs. When I...READ MORE"

Ashleigh Meager

AGE: 2-15
CONDITION: Performance

"I started to see results within 3 weeks"

We have 6 horses in work that vary in age from 2 to 15. They have all been on Rose-Hip Vital Equine for about 7 months, including our mare and foal.

I started feeding it after all the trouble I was having with my current show horse ‘Tyrell Park Alil Stormy’. He used to have terrible trouble with his skin, infections and swelling of his legs.

When I started feeding it I was thinking it would take a few months for it to build up in their system before I started to see any results. I started to see results within 3 weeks.

Since using Rose-Hip Vital Stormy’s skin has improved out of sight. Anytime we used to travel anywhere he would break out in a rash and end up with an infection that would eventually need antibiotics to fix. He hasn’t broken out in a rash in over 6 months and his coat is glowing and healthy. I have also noticed since feeding Rose-Hip Vital my horses do not get bitten by mozzies.

I definitely find they aren’t pulling up as sore after strenuous work. Their muscles seem to recover quicker and we also haven’t had to inject our horses hocks or knees with pentosane since using Rose-Hip Vital.

We are always travelling for our sport and our horses spend plenty of time standing in stables and yards which would lead to their legs swelling within hours. I now can get through 3-4 days before I notice any swelling in their legs.

Improve your horse's joint health and wellbeing

Reduce inflammation, protect cartilage and boost immunity

Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is a plant-based anti- inflammatory and immune system support for your horse’s joint health and general wellbeing. Made from Rosehips manufactured with patented processes, Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is scientifically proven to reduce inflammation, protect cartilage, improve general health and improve performance.

Patented extraction and drying processes isolate and activate the compound GOPO® which has scientifically proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. GOPO® works by stopping excess white blood cells from gathering around inflamed tissue, thereby helping to break the cycle of inflammation and protect cartilage. Rosehip products that do not contain GOPO® have not been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.