We have 30 scientific studies and 9 clinical trials that show how Rose-Hip Vital with GOPO could help you.
A few years ago we had Professor Marc Cohen examine and review the evidence behind rosehips for inflammation and arthritis. Although its a great summary, its not easy to decipher, so we thought we would pull out the key findings and explain it simply!
In 2012, a couple of years after Rose-Hip Vital with GOPO was launched in Australia, we decided to present the scientific papers and clinical trials that were undertaken on our Rosehip powder to Professor Cohen for him to undertake a scientific review highlighting the findings.
Marc Cohen is one of Australias pioneers of integrative and holistic medicine and he currently leads the Wellness Discipline in the School of Health Sciences at RMIT University in Victoria. He is a current President of the Australasian Wellness Association, a Board Member of the Global Wellness Summit and Past-President of the Australasian Integrative Medicine Association
Marcs paper looks at the evidence suggesting that Rose-Hip Vital may be a viable replacement or supplement for conventional therapies used in inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. His review was published in the leading Australian medical journal Australian Family Physician suggesting that the natural anti-inflammatory Rosehip may offer an effective first-line therapy for Osteoarthritis (July, 2012). The paper focused on clinical trials exploring its efficacy for conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
What were Professor Cohens key findings on our Rose-Hip Vital powder?
Below we list them:
- It significantly reduced pain in a trial of 100 patients who has osteoarthritis in the hip and knees, with some experiencing improved hip flexion.
- The anti-inflammatory power is somewhat similar to that of a leading prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) although its mode of action is different.
- The anti-inflammatory actions do not have the same gastrointestinal or cardiovascular side effects of NSAIDs.
- The studies pointed to benefits for patients with back pain and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
- Its more efficacious than glucosamine hydrochloride in reducing osteoarthritic pain.
- Patients in one trial reported in improvement in pain and reduction in consumption of paracetamol.
- It has been found to produce modest lowering of total cholesterol.
- It was reported to signficantly reduce blood glucose levels after glucose loading.
- GOPO (galactolipids) are a class of compounds shown to possess anti-tumour promoting and anti-inflammatory properties.
- GOPO was shown to reduce serum c-reactive protein (CRP) and creatinine levels in both patients with osteoarthritis and healthy participants.
In conclusion, what is clear, is that there are many benefits to taking Rose-Hip Vital with GOPO across a number of ailments and health issues that can arise at any age.
The scientific papers and trials mentioned in Professor Cohens review were also the ones reviewed by Arthritis Australia in January 2011, which resulted in rosehip, for the first time, to be included on the Arthritis Australia complementary medicine information sheetlisted as offering moderate relief for arthritis sufferers.
Read Marc Cohens paper in full hereand look over the other scientific evidence behind Rose-Hip Vital.