CONDITION: Osteoarthritis
"I don’t suffer stiffness upon waking & mobility is good, even though I have osteoarthritis in the right hip."
This is just to let you know how I’ve benefited from my daily dose of Rose-Hip Vital powder. Each day, prior to lunch, I make a delicious smoothie consisting of 2 dessertspoons each of mixed frozen berries and organic yoghurt, 1 small ripe banana, a spoonful of Rose-Hip Vital & a cup Bonsoy milk. I use a stick blender to mix and enjoy the result (about 400mls) This drink lessens appetite and assists in keeping my weight down.
I don’t suffer stiffness upon waking & mobility is good, even though I have osteoarthritis in the right hip. Also I’ve not had a cough, cold or the flu for more than 5-6 years. I might add that as humans aren’t able to produce Vitamin C in their body, Rose-Hip Vital is in fact vital as it’s required for blood vessels and other support structures, including flexibility. This would be an excellent addition to a smoker’s diet each day as smoking depletes this vitamin form their body. People have remarked on my smooth facial skin & that I don’t look my age (I am a senior). Many thanks.