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Lottie & Duke

BREED: Dachshund
CONDITION: Prevention

"It's amazing stuff"

We arrived in Australia in August last year and as I am admin with Chrissy to IVDD Australia I soon heard about Rose-Hip Vital that the Aussie dogs with IVDD were already using. So I went straight to read up about it and thought WOW I must start Lottie and Duke on it. Both dogs fortunately have not suffered as yet from any back problems but we decided to start using as a preventative.

Not to mention they are middle aged dogs now and every little bit helps. As per below email Duke does have a left leg problem and specialist vets did tell me he would develop arthritis in the joint with age. Then I decided to start it myself also as I have arthritic knees. I have been in pain daily for the past 3 years and nothing I took really helped so have just learnt to live with the pain.

However since starting Rose-Hip Vital, I am now pain free and have been now for nearly 4-5 months. It's amazing stuff. Anyway that's a bit about us and why we started using RHV and why we all still take it daily.

Improve your dog’s joint health and wellbeing

Reduce inflammation, protect cartilage and boost immunity

Rose-Hip Vital® Canine is a plant-based anti-inflammatory and immune system support for your dog's joint health and general wellbeing. Made from Rosehips manufactured with patented processes, Rose-Hip Vital® Canine is scientifically proven to reduce inflammation, protect cartilage, improve general health and improve performance.

Patented extraction and drying processes isolate and activate the compound GOPO® which has scientifically proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. GOPO® works by stopping excess white blood cells from gathering around inflamed tissue, thereby helping to break the cycle of inflammation and protect cartilage. Rosehip products that do not contain GOPO® have not been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.