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How Rose Hip Vital Helps You Live An Active Lifestyle

How Rose Hip Vital Helps You Live An Active Lifestyle

If you are a fit and active person, regularly participate in sports and exercise, there is a high chance that your joints may be suffering as a consequence. Rose-Hip Vital with GOPO can keep you doing the things you love, pain free!

Our joint health is often overlooked but the more active we are and the more we partake in repetitive or high impact exercise the more strain and stress that is put on our joints. This can increase the potential for injury and pain. Ignoring the signs of joint problems can allow it to escalate to something bigger, especially when you push through the pain and keep going.

Backed by more than thirty scientific papersand eight clinical trials, Rose-Hip Vital with GOPO is used by active people to help optimise joint health and performance. It may also help reduce inflammation and joint damage, aid recovery after exercise, injury or surgery, protect and rebuild cartilage, assist immunity and increase energy.

How does Rose-Hip Vital work? 

Rose-Hip Vital is a 100% pure and natural powder produced from Rosehips. The plants mature before harvesting which gives them time to produce the best quality fruits, and allows the deep roots to access and absorb a vast array of natural vitamins and minerals. The Rosehips are then dried with a special patented drying process which isolates the patented active compound GOPO. The result is Rose-Hip Vital with GOPO,  a powerful anti-inflammatory, strong antioxidant and natural source of Vitamin C which is backed by numerous scientific research.

The researchundertaken on Rose-Hip Vital indicates that GOPO discourages large numbers of white blood cells from accumulating in the joint. This breaks the vicious cycle of joint inflammation, thereby alleviating pain.

The Principal of Health Schools Australia, Stephen Eddy explains further:

Some white blood cells are involved in the inflammatory process by cleaning inflamed joints. However, in large numbers these cells can release toxic free radicals which further damage the joints. The more inflamed the joint becomes, the more white blood cells are attracted to it. The active compound GOPO found in Rose-Hip Vital actually discourages large numbers of white blood cells from accumulating in the joint and slows down the production of toxic free radicals. This helps to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation and joint damage.

But dont just take our word for it! 

How Rose Hip Vital Helps You Live An Active LifestylePeter McLean from NSWhas been competing in Ironman and short course triathlons for over thirteen years requiring consistent and long training sessions. Peter started taking Rose-Hip Vital in January 2014 after developing tendinitis of the long bicep that attaches to his left shoulder resulting in acute pain that negatively impacted his swim training. He explains:

Massage, physio and visits to the sports doctor were not fixing the problem. A few different medical options helped provide temporary relief but it has been an ongoing problem area for meEight months on I can definitely say that it has been a huge help. I am currently training for the Ironman World Championships and clocking up to three sessions a week of swim training both in the ocean and the pool, swimming 3-4km in some sessions. The inflammation has subsided to the point that I can press on my shoulder without pain. I have not had any interrupted training due to shoulder pain and only occasionally notice it when training.

I sincerely believe that the anti-inflammatory properties of Rose-Hip Vital is the reason that I no longer have acute shoulder pain. Its great that I can take a natural product rather than a drug prescribed by a doctor and it remains effective over a long periodI will continue taking Rose-Hip Vital ongoing for both my shoulder pain and general wellbeing. So pleased I found it!

How Rose Hip Vital Helps You Live An Active LifestyleAndrew Brophy, is a Pro Skateboarder who started taking Rose-Hip Vital after he was looking for a powerful anti-inflammatory with no side effects that wouldnt hurt his digestive system. He explains:

I started to take it (Rose-Hip Vital) because I have had multiple surgeries on my ankle and knee from my profession as a professional skateboarder as well as the rest of my body taking a beating for the last 14 years doing it.

I was ready to try and make myself feel better / younger / fitter and less sore. I noticed a difference in my knees and ankles with basically less pain in the joints, and thats all I was after. I dont believe there is any wonder cure for anything but rose hip has definitely helped my body. Ill keep taking it for a long time to come because I feel good from it, and there is nothing better than that. With professional skateboarding as my job my poor body takes a beating daily so its great to have something that can support my joints its a true blessing to the body!

To read more success stories, take a look at our customer testimonials here. Health and Wellness expert Kris Abbey also shares her tips for preserving your joints (including taking Rose-Hip Vital) and our Guest Blogger, Mel Brunker, is powering through all her training in the lead up to her first Ironman Triathlon with the help of Rose-Hip Vital.

Do you take Rose-Hip Vital to help keep you active? Share your story with us below!

Improve your dogs joint health and wellbeing

Reduce inflammation, protect cartilage and boost immunity

Rose-Hip Vital® with GOPO® is a plant-based anti-inflammatory and immune system support for joint health and general wellbeing. Made from Rosehips manufactured with patented extraction and drying processes, it’s a scientifically and clinically tested natural anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and natural vitamin C used to relieve and prevent joint pain, stiffness, inflammation and swelling associated with mild arthritis.

Patented manufacturing processes isolate the active compound GOPO® which has scientifically and clinically tested anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. GOPO® works by stopping excess white blood cells from gathering around inflamed tissue, thereby helping to break the cycle of inflammation and protect cartilage. Rosehip products that do not contain GOPO® have not been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.