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Guest Post Diet And Fitness Myths Dispelled

Guest Post Diet And Fitness Myths Dispelled

Health and fitness expert, Kris Abbey, had so many nuggets of wisdom when we interviewed her recently that we decided to keep one question for a blog post all of its own. After many years of helping people adjust their diets and fitness regimes to be their best self, we knew there would be a few myths that Kris would happily discuss. Below are her top ones:

1. People think that eating healthy is boring and it takes a lot of fun out of living. Ill challenge them any day and prove them wrong!

2. There are more ways to get fit than pounding the pavement or joining a gym. Find activities you enjoy and do more of that (walk with a friend, surf with the kids, do dance classes there is something out there waiting for you to embrace you just need to find it if you havent already).

3. Detoxingis not about denial. It should be a life-changing experience, teaching you a lot about your body and nurturing it with nutritious food.

4. Fruit is fattening. What? Fruit is great for you,  but just not in massive doses (remember: balance). 2-3 pieces a day is great for your health.

5. Fat is bad. Yes, some fat is bad (trans fats, mono-saturated fats), but there are also a lot of good fats and your body needs these fats. Olives, eggs, nuts, avocados, coconuts and coconut milk, are all really good fats and vital for your health.

6. You can convert fat to muscle. This us my favourite one! Man, if you could convert fat cells to muscle cells, if your heart was dodgy you could just take a fat cell and viola, its a heart muscle. This is not possible. You have a certain number of fat cells and they can shrink or grow. When you lose fat, your fat cells are shrinking not turning into muscle.

7. Weights and resistance training can actually help you lose weight contrary to popular belief. Muscle cells are great to have as they have a much faster metabolic rate than a fat cell. So if you have been doing some resistance training and built up/toned your muscles, you are likely to have an overall faster metabolism. As a result, you will find it easier to lose weight.

Visit the new look Kris Abbeywebsite for lots more health and wellness inspiration and online wellness programs that will have you feeling fabulous in 4 weeks!  Follow her on Instagram

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